WORD Up! Wānaka Newsletter Feed

The latest Wānaka WORD Up Newsletter

WORD Up - April 2024

Kia ora koutou!

It's Ash here, WORD Founder/CEO, and we're kicking this newsletter off with some big news for your Wednesday!

After 3 years at WORD, Pete is heading onto his next adventure at The Alpine Group! He'll be the new Operations, Safety and Performance Manager looking after the heli bike, heli-ski, and tourism operations, as well as the health and safety of the aviation side of the business. 

A bit of a story... I first met Pete in Wellington when he applied to be an Instructor at WORD. It was obvious from that first coffee chat (where we both had hot chocolates) that he had something more to offer our little organisation. He moved to Wanaka not knowing anyone and launched the world of WORD in the community and growing it to over 75 kids each term with a kick-ass group of instructors.

Over the years, I have had the pleasure of working, riding, adventure planning, laughing and crying with Pete. He has been the person that just gets it. He is WORD in every way possible. I am forever grateful to him for saying yes to move to Wanaka, saying maybe to most of my ideas, and saying I've got this to just about everything else. 

When he told me about this new role, I said that I would fire him if he didn't take it...This is absolutely the best next step for such a wonderful human with so much to offer the world. 

Pete will finish up with WORD at the end of May when he heads off overseas on a bike-packing trip, before starting his new role. We're stoked he'll still be based in Wānaka so you'll be sure to see him on the trails, and the supermarket as per usual.

Pete will write his last newsletter next month before he moves on so you'll hear get to read what he has to say about his time at WORD and his next steps.

As for WORD in Wanaka, since we hibernate in winter, we'll be looking to recruit a new Programme Manager in August.

Rock on Pete! You're the best.

Read on for:
1: April school holiday bookings
2: WORD's second WONDERS programme in Wānaka!
3: March WORD Donations insight

Ngā mihi,

Ash, Pete and the WORD Instructors

April school holiday bookings are still open!

We've got some fun programmes lined up for our 7 - 12 yr old age groups this April, as well as our usual programme with the QLDC holiday camps on the 17th of April at Bike Glendhu. This can be booked via their channels!

WORD Programmes:

7-9 yr olds

15th-16th April - Know your Local - 2 half days - Girls - 7 spots available

18th-19th April - Know your Local - 2 half days - Boys - SOLD OUT

10-12 yr olds

22nd - 23rd April - 'Grow your Local' - 2 half days - 2 girls spots available, boys spots SOLD OUT 

WORD's Second WONDERS Programme wrap up!

Our WONDERS programme with this bunch of boys was absolutely epic!

They had their four preparation sessions before they took to the Millenium track, bike packing all the way to the Glendhu Bay campground from Wānaka, with a side up to Jacks Spot at Bike Glendhu! 

This group of 6 boys was age 11 - 15 and were from the local homeschool community in Central Lakes. Bikepacking was new to all of them, and they learned heaps and rose to the occasion of being self-sufficient on their bikes overnight.  

We're so grateful to Sport Otago for funding this WONDERS programme and making this opportunity totally free!

We have now run a WONDERS programme both for the girls and the boys, and we're looking forward to bringing this programme to others around Aotearoa. Watch this space!!